AI-Powered ChatBot providing instant, code-referenced, conversational support for all healthcare industry-related activities & materials

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Designed specifically for Commercial, Marketing, Medical, PR/Comms, Compliance/Legal & Executive Functions

Compliance-AI will empower staff in all key functions to have instantaneous support to an AI-powered compliance expert ChatBot. This will increase launch and promotional efficiency and reduce costs with the goal of achieving a subsequent single review and approval cycle. This would allow for more rapid distribution of materials and approval of activities supporting the growth of the business. Compliance risks to the business and patients/consumers will also be inevitably reduced.

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CAI Phone Image Update


Instantaneous, succinct and code-citable answers to all your healthcare compliance related queries


Monitors country & regional Codes on a daily basis with access to the most up-to- date Codes


Major Code-related changes notified to all users